The Apostle of Compelling Content


Compelling content is not about what you want to say, but about what your audience needs to hear.

Contentine was known throughout the land for her ability to write compelling content that captured the hearts and minds of her followers. Her secret was that she understood the needs and desires of her audience, and crafted her words in such a way that they resonated deeply with them.

One day, a young email marketer came to Contentine seeking her guidance on how to write emails that would convert. Contentine listened patiently and then imparted her wisdom: “To write compelling content, you must first know your audience. What are their pain points? What are their desires? What are their goals? Only when you understand these things can you craft messages that will truly resonate with them.”

The young marketer took Contentine’s words to heart and set about creating emails that spoke directly to the needs and desires of their audience. And lo, their conversion rates soared, and they became known throughout the land as one of the masters of email marketing.